Five Steps To Register Twitter App

Twitter has become one of the most popular social media network and the apps have its own interface which the programmers can use. There are few steps that must be followed while registering the twitter app.

1. Using Twitter developer’s site- The most important thing that needs to be done is visiting to create your account. Just select ‘Sign In’ option that is found at the right side of the page. Try to sign in using your twitter account for linking with the app associated with your account. After login into the account just go to twitter app website.

2. Create new application- In case you are completely new to twitter developers site, there will be no applications registered. You can try to create your own application by going to the option ‘Create a new application. Try to enter the application details which is very easy,

Select name- Create unique name for your application and make sure that is not been used by other users. The app is normally created for the personal use, so you can simply include the domain or your name into it.

Select description- There is no need to give more importance to the description as it can be changed in the later stages. This is the best way to make your app completely different from other applications and using it with unique content is very important.

Select website- Add your website which will make your application easily accessible as it is the homepage. Those who want to use the app for personal use try to avoid this option try to enter the site address where your app is hosted.

Using callback URL- The callback URL is not used by many users as it will make other users to login the app for authenticating themselves.

3. Create access token- After filling all the details till the above steps, now you will be having lot of features. But you must authorize your twitter app no before moving further. For this you must select ‘Create my access token’ option to get access to tokens, but this may take some time. The access token is useful in making the twitter application read the details in twitter and receive the data of the tweet made by you. Apart from tweets you can also see the lists, mentions and other details.  In case you want to send more tweets and use more advanced techniques, try to change the access type.

4. Create access type- Twitter app will only be used as read only, but the access type can be changed by visiting settings tab. Then select ‘Application Type’ option and choose the option ‘Read and Write’ which can give access to edit the messages.

5. OAuth settings- This is one of the most important step while registering the twitter app as it can provide access to the twitter account. You must copy the OAuth settings and keep it secured as it is required for twitter app.

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