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Important Features In Engage App For Twitter Users

The engage app in Twitter can be used to know your success on this social media platform. Most of the people will not have an idea about their followers what they like and what type of strategy you must use to attract more followers. To know all these things Twitter has introduced this new engage app which can be used by all the users to evaluate the followers analytics. This new app from Twitter is available with cool features that can make your social media experience more interesting. The engage app is available with some of the most important features that are not found in the Twitter app. All these special features can help in getting more engagement in Twitter for everyone.

1. Top section- In the top section you can see whether the person who has tweeted, interacted or followed. There is no need to use Notifications section which is normally available in the normal Twitter. The top section helps you to know all the engagement without losing any of the chances to getting engaged. This section can be helpful for both personal and business people who use Twitter for their various purposes. It can reduce the time that is wasted to know about your audience and you will not lose any kind of opportunities related to them.

2. Verified- This is a very useful feature that shows the notifications that is available from verified accounts. There is no need to go through each option such as follow, mention or like in Twitter app with the help of this new app.

3. Mentions- This mention section can be used to know the people who have mentioned you on their tweets. It is completely different from the notifications section that is available in the Twitter app. You can easily separate the other actions to see only the displaying mentions. This section can be very interesting for those who are new to Twitter as it will reduce the effort that is put to scrolling to other features in the Twitter app.

4. Tweeting- This section helps you to know what the topics that is discussed among your followers. You can get maximum impressions with the help of hashtag related to your brand in this section. By using this section you can easily get noticed by your followers and others related to them.

5. Live- This section is mainly for Twitter user who would like to see latest content which is performing well among the Twitter audience. There are impressions such as video views, mentions, likes and retweets in one place with the help of this section. You can also adjust the frequency of the content in case it is going down.

6. Audience- The audience section helps you to know more about your followers such as where they are located which will be divided into countries worldwide. You will be able to find the followers location anywhere around the world in this section.